Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My Yellow Hat

I have this yellow hat. its a flexifit hat made by the skate clothing company Think. It is probably my favorite hat in the world, and I own may hats. I can't remember where I bought that hat, or when I got it. I think I got it just before I joined the army, but didn't have it in my possession until I moved to Germany. the hat has been on every major field mission and every deployment I've been on. It has been through hell. The hat has lost all elasticity in the flexifit part of it and has been repaired by my stitching it tighter with regular thread every now and again. the underside of the bill has been marked up by my drawing and doodles in everything from markers to pencils. In places the hat has began to unravel and leave stray threads from various places all over the hat. The bill is curved into an extreme roll that has been curved and rolled so many times its stuck that way. In places you can see the plastic bill stabilizer coming through the yellow material.
One of my friends has told me its was very easy to pick me out in a crowded bar in Germany because I was wearing my yellow hat. It got me to thinking. Everyone has a yellow hat. This statement alone has gotten me laughed at. I'm not trying to be deep. I hate that term. I'm trying to speak in metaphors. its different.
My Yellow Hat set me apart from lots of different people in Germany. It made it easy for friends to pick me out in a crowd. My yellow Hat was an outward expression of individuality. So when i say what is your yellow hat, I obviously don't mean you need a bright lemon yellow hat. What i mean is what sets you apart from everyone else? what makes you special? How do friends pick you out in a crowd?
What is your Yellow hat?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It greatly depends on the crowd but when I'm having fun my yellow hat is "there she is, the drunk one dancing..".